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Self Portrait unit with Ms. Briggs

the self-portrait unit was made to examine students' abilities in painting and understanding of what a self-portrait can entail conceptually. In this unit, students are to make work that they feel represents them as an individual. Ms.Briggs, the teacher, covered the cropping, painting techniques, and artists that can be helpful to understand or be inspired by for the self-portrait painting. 
The self-portrait unit was made for student teachers to be in the student's position and to try to piece what it is like to be a student and observe the teacher's techniques. This unit was made with the intention that the student teachers can understand what is need to be covered for their own teachings in the classroom. 

Unit Plan: Communication

This unit plan covers over four weeks of lesson plans that go over our topic related to the concept of communication.  In this lesson, students work in digital media to complete the assignment. In the unit, the students will be learning about typography and surrealism. 
In this unit plan, my peers and I wanted to make a unit that could help students learn how to communicate a word of their choice through typography and surrealism. I find this important to teach students because it reemphasizes the value of how we communicate through text and visuals. Additionally, this helps students how words can have multiple meanings.  

Artist Statement prompts
This document is used for students to make a reflection on the thought process of the works they made throughout the communication unit.  
This document is used to evaluate the students and understand what they were inspired by, what connections they made, what their one means to them, and how they compamplish their artworks.  

Formative and Summative Rubric
The rubric to the right is used to analyze students' work related to the objectives of the unit. 
In the communication unit, each objective contextualizes the student's work in understanding if the students have learned how to communicate through art. The objectives are made to focus on the conceptual side of the communication unit and not so heavily on the artistic technicality. Within the unit, students need to focus on a word of their choice and try to understand it through their own experiences or interests. 

Artist Handout: Venessa Rivera
 The artist handout is provided for the students to have an understanding of what artist(s) inspired the unit plan.  This artist handout covers the artist Venessa Rivera and it analysis her techniques and conceptual artistic goals. 
tI this artist handout was made in there intention of introducing students to artist in modern day and also to introduce artists of color. the artist Venessa Rivera was purposely chosen for students to understand the concept of surrealism and how she communicates her concept of "child-like imagination' without expressing the literal words. 

Google drive
The google drive compiled is used for the organization of the teacher's materials and the student's materials for the communication unit plan. 
The google drive was applied in Bloomington highschool. All the materials under students was used for the students and all materials used for the teacher is labeled in the teacher file. This file was shared amongst my peers and my CT.  The files contain: artist handouts, wordmaps, presentations, documents of helpful links, unit plan and more.  Each folder contains many similar material, this is because I find that as a student that it is helpful to have about the same resources as the teacher. 

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