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Unit lessons and projects

The PDF files below are my unit lessons that were made during my time as a student at Illinois State University. I look forward to adding more unit plans to expand my teaching portfolio to expand new generations of young artists and creative thinkers.  


This project will introduce the most fundamental tools and techniques used in clay to make ceramic materials. In this class, students will make a hand-built pot using coils.

ART 201 unit lesson

​Intro to photoshop- the use of layering.

This project will allow students to work in Photoshop to explore its functions and tools to expand their understanding of how technology can be used to create art. In this class project, photoshop will be used to analyze a surrealistic art style.

Ceramic unit plan- Tradition- 7th grade 

This unit will cover the bases of understanding what a tradition is through ceramic media. In this lesson, students will learn about artist and discuss their content. Students may reflect on their own practices or create their own traditions. Students will be making cultural plates and foods made out of ceramics. Additionally, students will cover the basic skills of manipulating clay.

Dreamland Project- Collage- 2nd grade

In this unit, students will look at various artists who create dreamlike worlds. Students will then create their own landscapes using mixed media that will act as the backgrounds of their own dream worlds. The project will then become mixed media as students will cut out pieces of paper from magazines to turn their art into collages and finalize their own fantasy world inspired by
the artists.

Perspectives and perceptions- 9th-12th

In this unit, students will look at various artists who create dreamlike worlds. Students will then create their own landscapes using mixed media that will act as the backgrounds of their own dream worlds. The project will then become mixed media as students will cut out pieces of paper from magazines to turn their art into collages and finalize their own fantasy world inspired by
the artists.

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