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ART 212


Layback on Juice


Taking kcab Time: 



Layback on Juice:


Using Adobe Photoshop, I wanted to represent my mentality of how I tend to wander off in my own head. Even though I know that my thoughts are in a mess, I try to seem very casual and unbothered. 


Taking kcab Time:


Using Adobe Photoshop, I wanted to create an effect that leaves viewers to take a closer look. At first glance, it seems normal. However, when taking a closer look, it reveals how the hourglass sand moves in reverse. This effect can conclude that either time is moving backwards or that gravity is not real in this image. 



These two images demonstrate my understanding and knowledge of how to use photoshop's tools and applications. 


que next.jpg




While using Adobe Photoshop, "Gl*tch" responds to the article "Queer Alt Delete" by Andie Shabbar.  Just as non-binary people are displayed as unnecessary and out of place, I wanted to describe the emotion by altering and shifting images in a blank space to represent a sense of incompleteness. 




In Andie Shabbar's "Queer Alt Delete," I am expanding my understanding of the discrimination among nonbinary people. This also includes and the problem of how binary thinking in society can indirectly cause separation towards nonbinary people.


Pens in Cups



"Pens in Cups" responds to the theme of "I'm Google." Taking pictures of writing tools in cups collectively relates to the never-ending mass theme of "I'm Google."




By creating these images, I am learning to think critically and creatively to invent my own theme based on my investigation on "I'm Google."


LED Blur 


"LED Blur" as a response to the 9 modalities of "Photographing of Nothing" by Clark Goldsberry. I attempt to create "nothing" by taking pictures of my LED lights' in a blur to give no context to the photographs taken. I wanted to make this effect of leaving viewers in curiosity about what is being viewed, rather than trying to understand what it's not.



By creating these images, I challenge myself in understanding Clark Goldsberry's "Photographing of Nothing" by recreating my own image based on the 9 modalities. This also helps me understand another artist's writing, which can then be reapplied into my own artistic style. 


why I have a BAD sleeping schedule:  



While using Adobe Illustrator, I created an infographic of the comedic response to why I have a bad sleeping schedule. I do this by creating a bar graph with no measurements and giving abnormal reasons for staying up at night. I also play with text to give the title its own sense of voice, emphasizing words much different than others. 




By practicing using Adobe Illustrator, I expand my knowledge on another Adobe product that can be quite useful for me in the future. Also, creating an infographic gives a new comprehension of how infographics can be used as a form of art. 


ART 212 power points

Hacking and tinkering:


The following is a response to Lewis and Thurman's "Tinkering and Hacking With Objects in the Art Classroom" article. The following slideshow displays all of my attempts and creations at tinkering and hacking. In the following slideshow, I create a ceramic tool kit out of a videogame cover, a hanging lamp from a broken lamp, an instruction manual on how to tie your shoes with cardboard, and more. 



When I read the article, I was excited to show my creativity in getting involved in DYI culture. The concepts of hacking and tinkering in a more defined manner really put into perspective the understanding of what each means and how I can repurpose materials in alternative new ways. 


wElCoMe tO cOlOr



I created a game using Google slides to poke fun at the idea that a definite favorite color is something that is need have. I display this idea by adding random things that don't relate to the concept of color. I created this game with inspiration from a small cousin who told me that their favorite color is cake. 



Using other software that is not commonly used for video games has broadened my understanding of how a game can be created. And that video games can not only for entertainment but also for educational purposes.  

ART 212 stop-motion video

Peek and seek



I created a stop motion with the use of sound to bring more it more life. the character in the stop motion inspired by my girlfriend's dog on how he can be a handful and having lots of unwanted energy. 



The creation of the stop-motion animation demonstrates the understanding of how we can use digital media to create 4D art. 

ART 212 unit lesson

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