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Artist Statement

I am Andres Emmanuel Dominguez Fernandez/Villagomez. I come from a line of unrecognized artists. I represent opportunity through generations of relentless effort to have me in the position I currently live in. I create not only for my own pleasure but for the pleasure of commemorating my community and ancestors. 


I am inspired by social activism and my identity in being a Chicano. My works reference the internal and external impacts that affect the lives of those within my community. My focus within each work analyzes a critical perspective on nuanced topics within my culture. My lens ranges from (but is not limited to) social norms, intersectionality,  sentimental narratives, historical events, current events, political rhetorics, and communitive struggles. Each lens has its respect in being represented and recognized by the public. Moreover, my work evaluates where my community is in relation to being a Chicano. I view my work as an extension of my being in relation to the concrete contemporary reality we exist in. 


I work in many mediums; however, I specialize in ceramics. My work's form correlates to its process, context, and material. The use of ceramic material has a history of being persevered to provide a context of a culture within a society. In my community, many stories go unsaid or unrecognized either by our own hands or by our oppressors throughout history. My use of ceramic material brings these stories to be recognized in our current timeline.

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