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2019- Please 

My Photography 

2020-COVID series

               The following body of work that I am presenting is responding to the current issues of the COVID-19 pandemic. The issues that I am addressing are the subtle yet important facts, statistics, articles, and events that are happening in the united states.  

In my project, I am addressing not only the pandemic itself but how it affects people in their everyday lives and how the media has become a driving focus of the anxiety we endure on an everyday basis. I use a form of copy-paste collage with techniques of multiplying layers and several overlays to focus on the feeling of being overwhelmed by the bombardment of information on how the pandemic is now controlling our lives. I also use text to really hint/emphasize the basis of each topic.


               I want my work to be an example of what is currently happening in the year 2020 as documentation of how a pandemic can affect our lives in a generation where we thought it was not possible. Not only do I want it to be an example of the documentation of the pandemics' effects, but as an example of how media itself surrounds us with information that creates a feeling of engulfing anxiety.  


As the virus spreads throughout our society, our fear in the world spreads as well.   

            The following images may be distrubing to viewers who struggle with mental illness or suicidial thoughts.
           "Please" is a depiction of depression. I personally do not have any mental illnesses. However, I have many friends and family members who face depression and other illnesses. The biggest disconnect I have found in conversations about mental illness is explaining the overall emotions and struggles that come with consistent rock bottom. Understanding this concept comes from being at war with oneself and the perspective of being frail. All images are made with careful research and conversations to grasp the concept.

These images are not meant to glamorize mental illnesses. If you face any form of mental illness, it is recommended to seek help from professionals and support from loved ones. 

2020-Fear or Fight

During the year 2020, the movement of Black Lives Matter has risen and put great emphasis on police brutality among people of color. The term "fear of fight" derives from the term "fight or flight." The difference is that even in fear, this movement creates the drive to fight against social injustice. To emphasize this injustice, I have the names of black Americans who have died at the hands of the police. This movement has created media to overflow pushing with or against the movement, emphasizing its progress or overwhelming reputation of it being depicted as a "hate group." When there is injustice, there is also controversy about leaving one to live in fear or fight against the fear. 

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2020-Eye of the hurt

This image is meant to represent the overwhelming negative thoughts of body dysmorphia. The photograph is to help understand mental illness from the inside and to create a conversation. Body dysphoria disrupts the perspective of how one view's themselves as anything other than anything tolerable in their eyes. this leaves one to be in fear and disgust in their own eyes. 


2019-Sorrow flowers

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