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  • Writer's pictureAndres D.

Pal 2- Side Street Atudio Arts 10 year Anniversay Exhibition (Elgin, IL. 2023)


In celebration of our 10th anniversary, 10 artists were commissioned to create original works to be displayed around Side Street and with our community partners. This project is supported, in part, by the Elgin Cultural Arts Commission.

Judges' Runners Ups:

Buddy Plumlee

Baron and His Ascetic Other oil on canvasand


Andres Dominguez Fernandez Esta Bien Papá, Only We Can See ceramic, found fabric


At the exhibtion, I was gifted with receive a prize package including a Side Street LAB Membership for being the judges Honorable mention and a runner up.

About the work:

Title: "Esta Bien Papá, Only We Can See" ceramic, found fabric

This work is to exiplify the cocept of machismo and how it impacts men and boys. Many men and boys affected by machismo carry themselves in a way that is meant to be what is typically "strong". In ceramics it is common for an a spout to be used as are reference for communication. However, the spout of the bowl is broken there for revealing that the communcation is disrupted. Likewise, the men and boys will have a hard time expressing their emotions.

The image inside of the bowl reveals my father's face crying into the bowl filling the bowl with water. The water in the bowl is to be only filled once as it will naturally evporate. This is done to also reveal how machismo will compress emotions, but also expect these emoitons to disapate.

And finally the fabric, the found fabric is to comfort the bowl with its soft texture that contrasts with bowls texture. Make no mistake, this is not to represent women as it is not women's responiblity to "save" men from the dynamic they themselves have created and are also harmed by. The fabric is to be a guide for those affected by machismo to reveal needed humanity in this issue.

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