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  • Writer's pictureAndres D.

PAL 2- BFA Review


The BFA review is a part of my application to join the BFA program. The review selection of the BFA application is the examination of my artwork by the faculty.

The Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) - Studio Sequence program is a highly selective program oriented toward advanced professional study in the studio arts. Students in this program have additional opportunities to specialize in a studio art discipline in preparation for graduate study for the M.F.A., the terminal degree program in this field, and/or careers in professional art fields.

BFA-Studio Sequence students earn more credit hours in Art than other bachelor's students. They do more independent study, and they have more one-on-one interaction with faculty.

Our BFA-Studio Sequence graduates are among the best-prepared students in the nation to go on to graduate-level study or to begin their studio careers. In recent years our students have been accepted into some of the most prestigious and selective graduate art programs in the United States, and several of our Junior BFA-Studio Sequence students were recently awarded full scholarships to the very competitive and prestigious Yale University Summer Art program.


When I was a child, I would watch my dad draw cartoons like Snoopy, Fred Flintstone, and Woody woodpecker. He would show me the drawings in an orange folder he had kept since middle school. My grandpa discouraged my dad from continuing art and other opportunities because of the need for a stable job. My grandpa also loved to draw. I believe that he didn't want to discourage him because he didn't believe in him; instead, times were different. People who looked like us wouldn't be taken seriously and wouldn't be shown the necessary resources to excel. I share this story because I see the BFA program as an opportunity to make generations of my family happy by taking advantage of the available resources now as they weren't available then. I see the BFA program as a chance to surround myself with people who will push my artistic abilities and ideas. I want to explore ceramics and expand my understanding of the art world.

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